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八秩同辉校庆系列33 The Borel Ramsey Properties for Countable Borel Equivalence Relations

来源: 伟德BETVLCTOR 发布时间: 2024-05-14 点击量:
  • 讲座人: 高速 教授
  • 讲座日期: 2024-5-16(周四)
  • 讲座时间: 9:30
  • 地点: 文津楼1224


The Ramsey property is an important combinatorial property for many classes of sets and structures. In this talk we consider some natural notions of strong and weak Borel Ramseyproperties for countable Borel equivalence relations. We show that the Borel Ramsey properties holdfor a countable Borel equivalence relation if and only if the equivalence relationis smooth. We also consider some variation of the notion for hyperfinite non-smooth Borel equivalence relations. This is joint work with Ming Xiao.


高速,南开大学讲席教授,博士生导师。主要研究领域为数理逻辑与数学基础。他在描述集合论的研究工作中取得一系列突破性研究成果,解决了描述集合论中多个处于核心地位的公开问题,相关成果发表在Inventiones Mathematicae,Advances in Mathematics,Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society,Transactions of the American Mathematical Society等核心数学期刊以及Journal of Symbolic Logic,Bulletin of Symbolic Logic,Annals of Pure and Applied Logic等逻辑类权威杂志上。他担任杂志Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic,Mathematical Logic Quarterly,《中国科学:数学》《数学大辞典》《中国大百科全书》《现代数学基础丛书》的编委以及Perspectives in Logic丛书主编。
