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八秩同辉校庆系列32 Introduction to Connes-Kasparov isomorphism

来源: 伟德BETVLCTOR 发布时间: 2024-05-13 点击量:
  • 讲座人: 宋言理 副教授
  • 讲座日期: 2024-5-17(周五)
  • 讲座时间: 10:10
  • 地点: 文津楼1224


Connes-Kasparov conjecture is about the computation about the K-theory of the reduced group C*-algebra of reductive Lie group, which is a special case for the famous Baum-Connes conjecture in non-commutative geometry. In this talk, I will focus on the special example of SL(2, R). I will briefly talk about the history of the conjecture and its application to representation theory, index theory etc. In particular, I discuss the structure of the group C*algebra up to Morita equivalence and Dirac operators on symmetric spaces.


宋言理,美国Washington University in St. Loius数学与统计系副教授,于2013年在美国宾州州立大获得博士学位,研究领域是指标理论与非交换几何,曾在加拿大多伦多大学工作,并在Duke Math. J.、Adv. Math.、 Math. Ann.、TAMS、J. Funct. Anal.等期刊发表20余篇学术论文。
