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来源: 伟德BETVLCTOR 发布时间: 2019-07-28 点击量:
  • 讲座人: 陈汝栋教授等
  • 讲座日期: 2019-08-02
  • 讲座时间: 15:00
  • 地点: 长安校区文津楼二层数科院学术交流厅

讲座题目1: Linear convergence of split equality common null point problem with application to optimization problem
讲座人: 陈汝栋教授
The purpose of this talk is to introduce an iterative algorithm for solving a split equality common null point problem(SECNP). The problem is to find an element of the set of common zero points for a finite family of maximal monotone operators in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. We introduce the concept of bounded linear regularity for the SECNP and construct several sufficient conditions to ensure the linear convergence of our  proposed algorithm. As special cases, we will use our result to study the split equality optimization problem. Moreover, we conclude the linear convergence rate of the algorithm and put forward some numerical results to show the linear convergence.
陈汝栋教授,全国优秀教师、天津市教学名师、天津市优秀教学团队《大学数学教学团队》带头人,曾任天津工业大学数学科学学院经理。从事非线性分析领域的变分不等式理论及不动点理论等方向的研究,先后在《J. Math. Anal. Appl.》、《Nonlinear Anal.》、《数学学报》等80余种刊物上发表论文200余篇,其中80余篇已被SCI、EI索引,并担任80余种杂志的审稿人。先后主持国家自然科学基金等科研项目10余项,出版学术著作7部。2005年获国家教学成果二等奖,2008年获天津市自然科学三等奖,1999年获天津市CAI课件二等奖. 发表的论文入选2008年和2012年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文。

讲座题目2:  Solving polynomial systems by homotopy continuation method
讲座人: 李宗錂(Tsung-Lin Lee)教授
While the classical linear homotopy continuation method was developed for solving polynomial systems in 1980’s, the polyhedral homotopies were established in 1995, which yields a drastic improvement over the classical linear homotopies. HOM4PS-2.0 is a software package which implements the polyhedral homotopy continuation method for solving polynomial systems. With several sophisticatedly designed algorithms in mixed volume computation and curve tracing, it surpasses the existing packages in finding all isolated zeros of polynomial systems in speed by big margins. The efficiency of HOM4PS-2.0 makes it possible now to solve some very large systems, such as 5-body Albouy-Chenciner equation and mutually touching cylinders equation.
Tsung-Lin Lee (李宗錂) is currently a professor of Department of Applied Mathematics, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. His research interests include Numerical Analysis, Polynomial Algebra and Scientific Computing. He has recently published over 30 papers in different journals and conferences, and obtained some the important achievements.

讲座题目3: Amenable and *-amenable operators on Hilbert space
讲座人: 石洛宜教授
The concept of amenability is fundamental in the study of operator algebras. We say that an operator T is amenable (or *-amenable) if the Banach (or C*algebra) generated by T is amenable. In this talk, we will introduce the structural theory of the amenable (or *-amenable) operators.

讲座题目4:  On a notion of closeness of groups
讲座人: 黄毅青(Ngai-Ching Wong)教授
Enlightened by the notion of perturbation of C*-algebras, we introduce and study briefly in this talk, a notion of closeness of groups. We show that if two groups are “close enough”to each other, and one of them has the property that the orders of its elements have a uniform finite upper bound, then the two groups are isomorphic (but in general they are not). We also study groups that are close to abelian groups, as well as an equivalence relation induced by closeness.
This is a joint work of Chi-Wai Leung (CUHK), Chi-Keung Ng (Nankai) and Ngai-Ching Wong (NSYSU).
黄毅青,台湾中山大学应用数学系特聘教授、博士生导师。曾任台湾中山大学应用数学系主任、非线性分析及离散数学研究中心主任及非线性优化潜力研究群计划主持人。博士毕业于美国普渡 (Purdue) 大学数学系。研究方向包括:非交换空间、C*-代数的完整分类理论、算子代数上的映射保持问题、不动点理论和算法及其对优化和控制理论的应用研究等,共发表研究论文159篇,其中发表在SCI 期刊上的论文约有132篇,且在 WOS中总共有1059个被引用纪录, H-index = 16。黄毅青教授担任《Operators and Matrices》、《Linear and Multilinear Algebra》、《Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis》等多个著名SCI数学期刊的编委,并受华人数学家大会 ICCM 2019邀请,发表45分钟演讲。

