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来源: 伟德BETVLCTOR 发布时间: 2018-11-28 点击量:
  • 讲座人: Achim Jung、李庆国
  • 讲座日期: 2018-12-2
  • 讲座时间: 9:30
  • 地点: 数学与信息科学学院学术交流厅

报告题目1:Four dcpos, a theorem, and an open problem


报告人:Achim Jung


From the very early days of continuous lattice theory, the question of the sobriety of the Scott topology has been of interest. In this talk, I will review the 1981 construction by Peter Johnstone of a dcpo which has a non-sober Scott topology, then a conceptually simpler construction proposed by Xiaodong Jia which has the added property that its Scott topology is well-filtered. Jia's construction is a useful link for understanding the example of a non-sober complete lattice given by John Isbell in 1982. Isbell's paper is often cited but rarely read, which is a shame because the construction is ingenious. From recent results of Lawson and Xi we know that Isbell's lattice is well-filtered in the Scott topology.

Weng Kin Ho and Dongsheng Zhao considered a variation of the sobriety question, asking whether it is possible to reconstruct a dcpo from its lattice of open sets by other means than taking the spectrum. In joint work, Weng Kin Ho, Jean Goubault-Larrecq, Xiaoyong Xi, and the speaker showed that in general this is not possible. The counterexample is the fourth dcpo mentioned in the title. Nevertheless, the reconstruction problem is solvable for a very large class of dcpos as our theorem shows. Whether it is the maximal class of such dcpos is not known.


Achim Jung是英国伯明翰大学计算机科学学院理论计算机科学教授,曾任计算机科学学院经理。系杂志《Theoretical Computer Science》《Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications》和《Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science》编辑。主要从事Domain理论、拓扑学、程序语言语义学、概率论及Lambda计算方面的研究。Achim Jung教授在domain范畴的分类问题上做出了杰出的贡献。他提出了FS-domain范畴与L-domain范畴的概念并证明它们在domain范畴中的极大性,成功解决了domain范畴的分类问题。在概率性程序语言的计算模型方向,Achim Jung教授证明了稳定紧空间范畴、Lawson紧domain范畴、QFS-domain范畴的概率幂domain构造的封闭性。此外,在domain的逻辑表示方面,他将G. Plotkin教授对代数domain范畴的逻辑表示的工作推广到了domain范畴,通过提出Proximity lattice的概念,给出了稳定紧空间,FS-domain的有限结构表示,建立了domain与逻辑的对偶理论。Achim Jung教授与牛津大学Samson Abramsky教授合著《Domain Theory》一书,成为domain理论研究方向的经典书籍之一。

报告题目2:Equality of the Isbell and Scott topologies on function spaces




The function spaces have their background in theoretical computer science and have been studied by Jung, Lawson, Xu, Erker , Liu, Liang, Kou, Luo, Mislove and others. There exist four famous topologies which are the pointwise convergence, compact-open, Isbell and Scott topologies on the set [X→L] of the continuous functions from topological space X to a dcpo with the pointwise order. In general, the pointwise convergence topology is coarser than the compact-open topology, the compact-open topology is coarser than the Isbell topology, and the Isbell topology is coarser than the Scott topology on [X→L]. If X is locally compact, then the compact-open topology is equal to the Isbell topology. In 1990, Lawson and Mislove posed the following problem:
Problem. Let X be a topological space and L a dcpo equipped with the Scott topology. Under what conditions on L do the Isbell and Scott topologies on [X→L] agree?
 In this talk, we mainly consider the question of when the Isbell and Scott topologies coincide on the set [X→L] of all continuous mappings from a topological space X to a dcpo L with the pointwise order. The main results are:
(1) If L is a sober dcpo which is bi-complete, then (i) that the Isbell and Scott topologies coincide on [X→L] for all c-spaces X implies that L is a pointed L-dcpo; (ii) that the Isbell and Scott topologies coincide on [X→L] for all irreducible c-spaces X implies that L is an L-dcpo.
(2) Let L be a quasicontinuous UBC-domain and X a c-space. If L has a least element or X is connected, then the Isbell and Scott topologies coincide on [X→L].
(3) Let L be a quasicontinuous UFL-domain and the topological space X =∪Xi, where every Xi is an irreducible Scott c-space and I is a nonempty _nite set. If L has a least element or I is a singleton, then the Isbell and Scott topologies coincide on [X→L].


目前主要研究领域为格上拓扑、模糊数学理论与应用。重在研究计算机与信息科学中所涉及的数学问题,主要从以下三个方面着手进行研究:计算机程序语言的指称语义—Domain理论,计算机与信息科学的逻辑基础,形式概念分析及粗糙集理论等新的数学理论在信息科学中的应用。至今为止,已在《Topology and its Applications》,《Applied Categorical Structures》,《Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society》,《Order》,《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》,《International Journal of Approximate Reasoning》,《Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics》,《Discrete Mathematics》,《Information Sciences》,《Information and Computation》,《Theoretical Computer Science》,《Discrete Applied Mathematics》《Knowledge-Based Systems》《Houston Journal of Mathematics》《Semigroup Forum》等国际期刊上发表论文近100篇。累计培养博士毕业生41名,全部进入高校工作。两次获得湖南省优秀博士学位论文指导奖。

