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Derived equivalences of mirror-reflective algebras

来源: 伟德BETVLCTOR 发布时间: 2023-08-13 点击量:
  • 主持人: 常文
  • 讲座人: 惠昌常 教授
  • 讲座日期: 2023-8-15
  • 讲座时间: 10:00
  • 地点: 文津楼3211

讲座人简介:惠昌常,代数学专家,博士生导师,首都师范大学特聘教授。在代数表示论及相关方面做出了重要贡献。1989年在联邦德国Bielefeld大学获博士学位,导师是国际著名代数表示论专家Claus Michael Ringel教授。曾在德国、英国、日本、美国、香港、等10多个国家和地区进行学术访问或合作科研。曾获教育部科技进步二等奖、德国“年轻杰出学者洪堡奖”。主持有国家自然科学基金重点项目等。担任《J. Algebra》、《Archiv der Math.》、《Asia-Euro. J. Math.》、《J. Math. Research Appl.》等国际期刊的编委。

讲座简介:Motivated by understanding the Tachikawa’s second conjecture forsymmetric algebras we construct the so-called mirror-reflective algebras.It turns out that this construction produces systematically algebras ofhigher homological dimensions. In this talk, we show that this construction also preserves derived equivalences of gendo-symmetric algebras.Roughly speaking, starting with a derived equivalence between gendo-symmetric algebras, one gets the one between their mirror-reflective algebras. The content of the talk is from an ongoing work jointly withHongxing Chen.
