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  • 姓名:陈峥立
  • 性别:男
  • 职称:教授
  • 职务:
  • E-mail:czl@snnu.edu.cn
  • 工作室:文津楼二层二段工作室2223
研究领域 个人履历
学术兼职 讲授的主要课程
承担的科研项目 主要研究成果




  • [1] 王文华, 陈峥立, 宋云. PT-对称算子的表示及非正交量子态的区分. 数学学报[J]. 2020. https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.2038.O1.20200410.1426.043.html

  • [2] Qiangqiang Zhang, Zhengli Chen, FengruYuan, WenhuaWang. A Note of Coherence for Duality Quantum Computers Acting on Pure States. Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 2018,57(12): 3795–3807.

  • [3] WenHua Wang, HuaiXin Cao, ZhengLi Chen, and Lie Wang. Quantitative conditions for time evolution in terms of the von Neumann equation. Science China Physics,Mechanics & Astonomy[J],2018,61(7):070312.

  • [4] Lili Wang, Zhengli Chen, WenhuaWang, Ling Lu. A Note on Quantum Coherence. Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 2018,57 (3):771–779.

  • [5] Z. L. Chen, H. X. Cao and Z. H. Guo. C∗-algebra consisting of all g-Bessel sequencesin a Hilbert space. International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing[J]. 2017,15(1) :1750004(1-8)( DOI: 10.1142/S0219691317500047)

  • [6] 王文华,陈峥立,李玮.超算符的两种表示.数学物理学报[J].2017, 37A(4):607-614.

  • [7] Wenhua Wang,Huaixin Cao,  Zhengli Chen.Adiabatic Approximation for the Evolution Generated by an A-uniformly Pseudo-hermitian Hamiltionian. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics[J], 2017,192(3): 1365–1379.

  • [8] Chen, Zhengli; Liang, Lili; Li, Haojing; Wang, Wenhua.  Two generalized Wigner–Yanase skew information and their uncertainty relations. Quantum Information Processing[J], 2016, 15(12):5107–5118( doi:10.1007/s11128-016-1434-5).

  • [9] Chen, Zhengli; Liang, Lili; Li, Haojing; Wang, Wenhua.  A generalized uncertainty relation. Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 2015,54 (8):2644–2651.

  • [10] Cao, Huaixin; Chen, Zhengli; Li, Li; Yu, Baomin.  An applicable approximation method and its application.  Acta Math. Sci. Ser. B Engl. Ed. 2015, 35 (5):1189–1202.

  • [11] Gu,Caixing; Chen,Zhengli. A model for (n,p)-hypercontractions on Banach space. Indag. Math. (N.S.), 2015, 26 (3):485–494.

  • [12] Li, Hao Jing; Chen, Zheng Li; Liang, Li Li.  Note on the Schrödinger uncertainty relation. (Chinese) J. Shandong Univ. Nat. Sci. 2014, 49 (6): 67–73.

  • [13] Huaixin Cao, Juncheng Yin, Zhihua Guo, Zhengli Chen,Local Lipschitz-αmappings and applications to sublinear expectations,Acta Mathematica Sinica-English Series,2014,30(5):844-860.

  • [14] Cao, Huai-Xin; Guo, Zhi-Hua; Chen, Zheng-Li.  CPT-frames for non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. Commun. Theor. Phys. (Beijing) 2013, 60 (3): 328–334.

  • [15] 曹怀信, 郭志华, 陈峥立, 张坤利,效应代数的表示理论,中国科学:数学[J],2013,43(08):835-846。

  • [16] Huaixin Cao, Zhihua Guo, Zhengli Chen, Wenhua Wang,Quantitative sufficient conditions for adiabatic approximation,Science China Physics,Mechanics & Astonomy[J],2013,56(7):1401-1407。

  • [17] Huaixin Cao, Guilu Long, Zhihua Guo, Zhengli Chen,Mathematical theory of generalized duality quantum computers acting on vector-states,International Journal of Theoretical Physics[J],2013,52(4):1751-1767。

  • [18] Zhihua Guo, Huaixin Cao, Zhengli Chen,Distinguishing classical correlations from quantum correlations,J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. [J],2012,45(145301):1-15。

  • [19] Huaixin Cao, Zhengli Chen, Zhihua Guo, Fangguo Ren,Complex duality quantum computers acting on pure and mixed states,Science China Physics,Mechanics & Astonomy[J],2012,55(12):2452-2462。

  • [20] 曹怀信, 陈峥立, 郭志华, 张巧卫,效应代数的表示,中国科学:数学[J],2011,41(03):279-286。

  • [21] Zhihua Guo, Huaixin Cao, Zhengli Chen, Juncheng Yin,Operational properties and matrix representations of quantum measures,Chinese Sci Bull. [J],2011,56(16):1671-1678。

  • [22] Zheng-Li Chen, Huai-Xin Cao, Hong-ke Du. Some Properties of Quantum Probability [J]. Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics,2010,27(1):168-172.

  • [23] Huaixin Cao, Li Li, Zhengli Chen, Ye Zhang,Restricted allowable generalized quantum gates,Chinese Science Bulletin[J],2010,55(20):2122-2125。

  • [24] Zheng-Li Chen, Huai-Xin Cao, A Note on the extreme points of positive quantum operations, International Journal of Theoretical Physics[J]. 2009, 48(6): 1669-1671.

  • [25] 陆玲,曹怀信,陈峥立. 效应代数上态射的注记[J]. 数学学报,2009,52(5):957-960. 39(1):23-26.

  • [26] 曹怀信, 陈峥立. 关于Riesz函数演算的Lipschitz性质[J]. 数学学报, 2007, 50(2): 319-324.

  • [27] Yuan Li, Xiu-Hong Sun, and Zheng-Li Chen. Generalized infimum and sequential product of quantum effects [J].  Journal of Mathematical Physics,48, 102101 (2007), 1-9.


  • 2006.1-2019.12,PT-对称量子系统的基础理论研究,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目


  • [1]泛函分析中若干问题的研究,2012年3月获陕西省科学技术奖(三等),完成人:曹怀信、张建华、杜鸿科、吴保卫、吉国兴、陈清江、陈峥立;

  • [2]基于算子理论的量子信息理论研究,2017年3月获陕西高等学校科学技术奖(二等),完成人:曹怀信、郭志华、陈峥立、王文华、张邺;

  • [3]2016年获bevictor伟德官网2015-2016年度《教学质量优秀奖》;

  • [4]2017获bevictor伟德官网《首届课堂教学创新大赛优秀奖》;

  • [5]2019年获bevictor伟德官网2018-2019年度《教学质量优秀奖》;

  • [6]2019年获bevictor伟德官网《教学标兵》


  • 本科生课程:高等代数、复变函数论、实变函数论

  • 研究生课程:量子信息、量子计算

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